Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 3- Evening

Wow.  Today was a killer day emotionally.  And I'm not sure if that was the change in food I'm experiencing, if it really was that BAD of a day, or a combination of both.  But, let's just say I cried in front of people today (more than once).  Haven't done that in a LONG time....

So, here I sit, about ready for bed.  How did I do today?

Phase 2- Day 1
Food- Okay.  I missed a snack, which is a big no-no on this diet.  But with all the emotions running around, food just didn't sound good.
Water- TOTAL fail.  I mean big time.  But tomorrow I have plan.  It involves lemons and limes (which I am allowed duirng this phase) and LOTS of ice.  Cross your fingers for me.
Exercise- Still no.  Next week is sounding like a good week to add that challenge.

Happy that Day 3 is over.  Not dreading Day 4 quite as much as I dreaded today... now that I have at least one day like this under my belt.

Really looking forward to the foods that I will get to eat on Friday, Saturday and Sunday... hummus, raw nuts, avacado.... mmmmm....

Good night all.

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